I need to have more days like yesterday, fa real! It was fucking FUN! In the early after noon me and my bf went up griffin park to the Observatory. We went a couple days ago, but it was too packed! So we left. So, yesterday, we were on our way up there and it was WAY less people than last time. I though "Oh, maybe they thought it was going to rain that's why they didn't come" When we parked, we started walking and we looked at the sign and it said that they're closed on Mondays. We weren't that bummed out cause we could still walk around it and take pictures and what not. OMG it was SO windy! It was crazy!

After the Observatory we went to Ali's house to meet up with her. She was SO excited! I parked my car on her block to save her parking and we were off the staples center! As we were getting closer to the staples center, we saw A LOT of people walking towards to the staples center. I though it wasn't going to be full since nobody likes the clippers and they've been losing every game. I was surprised how many people showed up! The parking was $25!! I was like "DAMN!!" So we drove around the corner and we found parking for $10! Oh yeah! Bargain! Bargain! Bargain! We got off the car and it was cold and windy! My boyfriend kept taking off his sweater so I could wear but I kept giving it back to him lol
Once they scanned our tickets to go inside they handed us a white box each. We opened it and it was this toy! I thoght it was a boble head at first. After we got the boxes we headed over to the restrooms and the snack bars.

Ali got California Pizza Kitchen. Me and babe wanted to wait until the halftime to buy something to eat cause we weren't that hungry. After she got her food, we powered walked to our section cause all 3 of us were so eager to just see the seats for ourselves! Once we were inside, the usher told us to go on the lower level. We walked down the stairs and all I thought was "Holy crap! This is really close!!!" Then Babe and Ali thought the same thing but they said it out loud instead of thinking it like I did lol We got to our seats and I just stood there. First, I couldn't believe how close I was to the freakin court!! Second, I couldn't believe I was ACTUALLY there!! It was just crazy! As we were waiting for the game to start we were just looking around at everyone, staring at everyone. The energy was fucking great. Everyone knew the clippers were going to lose, but you could tell they just went to have fun :)
Here are both of the teams practicing/warmaing up before the game!
This is me and Ali before the game started.
This was the part were they sang the pledge of alligiance! The girl that sang was in high school or something. She sang pretty.
During breaks at the game, they had little games for fans. In this particular one, this girl had a shovel and she had to shovel money from one end of the court and run back to the other end to put it inside a cooler. After a while she was getting tired and the whole staples center was cheering for her! It was funny. At the end she ended up with over $1,000 for car gas. Lucky girl!
Those are the cheerleaders
At the end, the clippers got they're asses kicked! Dallas kicked their ass BIG TIME! Its like the clippers WANTED Dallas to win! Well, that's what it looked like to me. They need to practice more and they need more DEFENSE! At first Ali and babe were explaining how the game worked, why the referee blew the whistle, why they kept giving time outs. But after a while I understood it very well! During half time all three of us went to the snack bar and me and my bf got $8.50 nachos. They were expensive, but they were so good!

This man right here was TOO funny!! He kept dancing and yelling VERY loud to the players! And his pimp outfit was half red and half blue! He was yelling things like "Come on clippers! Don't let that baby (cause one of the dallas guys is really short) shoot the ball again! Get that baby out of the court!!!" But omg this man was LOUD. I'm 100% sure that the players heard him cause (1) We were THAT close the court (2) This man was loud as hell! I recorded him dancing to lady gaga! I'll try to uploaded it todaybefore I go to work.
This is me and babe after the clippers got their asses kicked! (I had to wear my glasses to look at the menu when we got the nachos cause I'm a little blind. But when we got to our seats I forgot that I still had my glasses on lol)
Take TWO (without the glasses)
I caved and I took his sweater :)
So, once the game was over I reached down to get my purse and what do I find laying down next to my purse?!?! A CAMERA! Oh yeah! There was a couple in front of us and they were rooting for Dallas. I remember them. Well, the girlfriend dropped her camera! I didn't know she had dropped it until the game was over and I looked down to get my purse. I turned around to see if they were going up the stairs so I could return it to them, but they were LONG gone! I didn't see them anymore. So, I put the camera in my purse! Babe said "What the hell! You're always finding things! You found your iphone and now you found a camera!" I told him that I'm lucky :) I told Ali that I had found a camera, but she didn't believe me for shit! When we got to the car I told her that I really DID find a camera! And she said "OMG NO WAY!!!" hahaha she's so funny! This is the camera!

On our way home all three of us were going through her pictures! hahaha Omg this girl has an exciting life! She had pictures of her in Hawaii, her and her boyfriend at a football, hockey, more basketball games. She went to a wedding, she goes to clubs! Anyway, she had over 600 pictures showing off her exciting life! haha I told my boyfriend that every time we go out we're gonna take pictures! Here's the couple at the game! If you look closely behind them, you can see my boyfriend haha
THE END :) That was our little adventure from yesterday! We agreed that we were going to go to more basketball games in the future! :) I think a dodger game is next :D Yaaay!
Bye Bye!