Yesterday after I got sent home for working more than 40 hours a week, I went home and I knocked out and woke up until 11:30pm! I slept for 7 hours! That was the best nap ever! After I woke up I was talking to Harold and then I fell asleep again around 1:30am. This week has been so stressful! Today was my ninth day working straight in a row. Let me tell you, if wasnt for the money I would rather stay home and watch movies with my boyfriend ANY day! One of these nights, worked kicked my ass! It also kicked one of my co workers ass too. She actually left in the middle of the chaos and went to the restroom, she sat down on the toilet and started texting. I wish I could have done that. I just wanted to kick everyone in the jaw that night. Anyway, the day after everyone knew how horrible it went! They were like "Well, this person and this person told me this and that" I just thought "Damn, that was fast" Word spreads like wild fire in that place. Unbelievable.
Friday night at work. I was behind the snack bar and long story short. There was an argument between two guests because one of them cut the other person in line. It escalated so much that the LAPD came and I had to give the pigs a statement of what I saw and blah blah blah. I just wanted to get the hell out of there and go eat red velvet cake with Harold :(
This past Thursday, I went to go see SEX and the CITY 2. I thought it was great. I liked it better than the first one. It was funnier, I think it was longer in length too (Im not sure). Overall I liked it =) Its funny how they pointed out a an issue that people have in REAL life! You know how some people look like they're happy and content with their lives 24/7 but deep down inside they're fucking miserable?! Well, that was kind of one of the main points in the whole movie! Some people go about their day thinking they have the "perfect" life, and the worst part is that they're in denial because they dont want other people to think otherwise. That's sad.
Moving on . . .
About a week ago. I told my mommy about Harold. Yes, I know! It was so awkward. She pretty much said that mothers have a six sense so she kind of figured I had a boyfriend. Then she bombarded me with questions. I told her through text! hahaha Lame I know, but whatevers lol She asked what his name is, how old he is, where he's from, how does he look like, she asked me to send her a picture, she asked if he treated me right, where did I meet him, how long have we've been together, and the questions went on and ON! She was happy and excited haha The next day, I was getting ready for work, and she asked if I was going to go pick him up. I said YES, cause we both go in at the same time. Then she said "Tell him I say hello!" Ever since I told her, my mommy mentions him every day. "Did you see Harold today? ... Is he working with you today? .... Are you guys going out today? .... Tell him I said Hi .... When am I going to meet him?" Yes, thats my mom haha Harold is ready to meet her. I asked him if he was ready when I told my mom and he said no. Then he said "I have to do it sooner or later, so I might as well do it" I told him that my mom is really cool, that she'll make him feel comfortable :)
Today after work me and Harold went to dinner, it was SO good! Then we went to the market to buy food for tomorrow. We're going to the race tracks! I like that place. It reminds me of the Hollywood Bowl. You go and bet on horses and at the same time you can have a picnic :) We bought things to make sandwiches :) While we were shopping, we came across a gigantic bottle of ketchup!
Im so excited for tomorrow! I need a day off seriously! And now Im getting sleepy!
Bye Bye!