This has been a very exciting week for me! It all started Monday when I got a call in the morning from Cedar Sinai. One of my co workers from the theater, works at Cedar Sinai and she was telling me how they get full benefits, paid vacations, sick days, insurance, one hour lunches, FREE food during your lunch, $600 bonus at the end of the year, etc. I was shocked! I told her that I had to apply at her job ASAP! So I did. I applied, and didn't hear back for almost a month. I had lost hope :( BUT THEN, I got a call on Monday! OMG I was so excited! Over the phone she had given me two options for which position I wanted to get. Then she said that she wanted to meet with me Thursday at 9am (yesterday). I was super SUPER excited! I woke up yesterday at 6am, cause I was so excited and anxious! I don't even wake up that early to go to the theater! hahaha I showered, got ready, and started walking to the bus stop. Yes, the bus stop. Since its so close to my house, I only have to take ONE bus that leaves me literally in front of Cedar Sinai. So, driving my car there is pointless. My panda was going to go with me. He goes with me to all my interviews :) He's there for moral support :) Yesterday, I was beyond anxious. I felt like throwing up, I was nervous. I've never felt like that for an interview before. Maybe cause I knew that it was a big deal, and that I really REALLY wanted that job.
Panda was there to calm my ass down. We got there 30 minutes too early, so we were outside the hospital talking and eating. When it was 8:50am I went inside :) When I walked into the office, one of the ladies told me "Oh you're early" I looked at her with the "Im sorry?" face. I thought being early was a good thing. Anyway, she said "_ _ _ _ _ _ _ will be down here in a bit, just wait for a bit." As I was waiting I was nervous, I was tapping my feet lol Then the human resources lady came, and we walked over to a table and sat down. We introduced each other. Then thats when all the questions started. The questions weren't stupid questions like at other places that I've gone. They were actually great questions. Great questions that I had answers to! hahaha After the interview, she told me that I was going to have another interview with the manager. The manager was so cool, he lightened the mood. He was cracking jokes, he made me relax a bit lol After that interview, he said that HR was going to tell me the what the next steps were. Then she came over and told me that I got the job! Thank GOD! :D She told me that the procedures Cedar Sinai are a little complicated cause I have to get a pre placement physical, get blood tests done and all that stuff. She said that the whole process takes about 2 weeks. So im stuck at the theater for another 2 weeks :(
After my interview at Cedar, I was walking outside the hospital and my panda was there waiting for me :D I was SO excited! I wanted to squeeze him and scream hahahaha I called my dad, mom, brother, and grandma! They're so happy for me :) After, I had to be at the hollywood bowl for orientation. OMG it was so boring. Its so different from the parking attendant orientation. We had to fill out SO many papers! Geez! The great thing about the bowl is that I'm going to get tips! YAY! I'm a cashier there, so when people get their receipt it has a little space in the bottom where they can write down how much tip they want to give me. At the end of the night, I add up all the tips and I just grabbed the money from the register! HOW COOL IS THAT!?!?!?!? So, If I made $87 in tips that day I grab $87 from the register when I'm banking out! Those tips are a GREAT motivation to be EXTRA nice to the guests! I'm going to be super nice to them! hahahaha
After the bowl, I went to work at the theater. I was 2 hours late. The morning lead didn't mind at all cause she got her hours :) So I took my time getting there :) After work, we all went to the cheesecake factory to celebrate! It was so much fun :) I'm pretty sure we were the loudest table lol I ordered my new favorite dish! It was so damn good! Mmmm! I need to learn how to make that :)
Overall, I'm ready to leave the theater. It's time to move on! There are SO many better opportunities ELSE where! I'm thankful for all the hours that I got at the theater though. I'm not being ungrateful or anything. I think that I deserve a certificate for staying there that long lol Their raises are a joke! A JOKE. I've never heard of any other place that gives their employees 10-20 cent raises! CENTS! I couldn't believe it when I got my first "raise" there. Ima stop. I can go on and ON about this place.