Since January 2009

Monday, March 2, 2009

Nothing, Really.

I just bought a $65 book for one of my classes =( ::Sighs:: Shouldn't education be FREE?! Ugh.
Anyway. I'm at school right now. My Music class starts in an hour. OH! I made a To-Do list for this week this morning. Omg, I have a lot of things that need to get done this week.
This past week I've been listening to a lot of Brand New, I mean A LOT. And this morning when my brother was dropping me off, he put on Brand New . . . I thought it was scary/weird. Yeah.
When I start working at the bowl this summer. I'm going to save and put aside $500 to take my dad on a shopping spree. I've been wanting to this for him for a while now, but I never do it. So, this summer IM GOING TO DO IT. My dad is the kind of person who has like 5 jeans a couple shirts and a couple shoes. He's not very fond of shopping. But I AM! So, I want to buy him a whole new wardrobe.
I need a flashdrive.

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