I went to go see "Race To Witch Mountain" today at work. On my way over there, my ipod died! So,I had no choice but listen to other people on the bus =( There was this old lady on the bus and she came across this other women on the bus that she knew. The old lady asked the women "Omg, you lost so much weight! Are you sick or something? Whats wrong with you?" I was like "WTF!? Whats wrong this lady?!" Anyway, the old lady kept asking her inappropriate questions the WHOLE ride!
Earlier today, Sergio called 5,702,458 times. I wasnt able to pick up because I was in the shower. So when I noticed the missed calls, I called him back. He told me that he bought 3 tickets to see No Doubt! Woooo!!!! And the best part is that the seats are right in the CENTER!!!! I really cant wait for that show! OMG.
Before we went to go see the movie . . . we stopped by MAC. I got TWO things! I got a limited edition shadestick in BUTTERNUTTY. The MA told us that they are going to discontinue shadesticks, so I grabbed one. I compared butternutty and beige-ing and they look very similar, so I picked up butternutty because it's LE. AND I also picked up an eyeshadow in KNIGHT DEVINE. Its a dark gray. I always wanted a dark grey! So, I got it! While we were at MAC the MA (Jorge) asked me and Soleil where our next trip was going to be. Soleil told him that I'm going to New York. So he asked Soleil why wasnt SHE going to go with me. She explained to him why she couldn't go, and he pretty much took her on a guilt trip because she cant go with me lol It was funny hahaha I'm going back to MAC tomorrow. They have this recycling program, where if you return 6 MAC plastic containers, glass, etc. Then you get a free lipstick, or eyeshadow for every 6 containers. So tmrw going to go recycle my containers for a FREE lipstick or an eyeshadow!

This saturday, we are going to have a "Twilight DVD release gathering/party" (That's what I'm calling it) @ Sergio's house! Soleil and Ali are so freakin excited, you guys have NO IDEA! These girls are going to get up at the crack of dawn saturday morning to head over to Target to pick up the DVD.
Earlier today, Sergio called 5,702,458 times. I wasnt able to pick up because I was in the shower. So when I noticed the missed calls, I called him back. He told me that he bought 3 tickets to see No Doubt! Woooo!!!! And the best part is that the seats are right in the CENTER!!!! I really cant wait for that show! OMG.
This saturday, we are going to have a "Twilight DVD release gathering/party" (That's what I'm calling it) @ Sergio's house! Soleil and Ali are so freakin excited, you guys have NO IDEA! These girls are going to get up at the crack of dawn saturday morning to head over to Target to pick up the DVD.
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