Since January 2009

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Hollywood Bowl!

Today was my FIRST day for this year at the Hollywood Bowl! They had an Easter/Service/Church thing today at the bowl. It was just me and Gio today. The people that showed up today were SO nice! Everyone was very friendly, and they followed my directions! It was awesome. I would say 90% of them were white people and 10% of them were Asians. There was this one family that parked their car on our lot, and they had this little boy and his dad said "What do you say to the nice lady?" and the little boy says "Happy Easter!! .... Look at my toy! (hulk) I have the movie at home! Do you want to see it?!" and I said "Sure!" then his dad starts laughing. THEN the little boy says "I'm learning spanish! ... Listen, uno, dos, tres, cuatro, cinco, seis, siete, ocho, nueve, DIEZ!" I was like "Wow! thats awesome!" and his mom said "He knows more spanish than me! Yesterday he corrected me in my spanish!" hahaha That little boy was so cute! That family was so nice! This family reminded me of one of my co-workers (Nick) because he told me that when he was little he had really blonde hair (The boy from today had REALLY nice healthy blonde hair!). He also said that when he gets kids that he's going to teach them different languages! So, it remided me of him.

I got TWO new 2009 shirts!!!
OMG!!!! Guess what! So every weekend my dad lets me drive to work. So today I took the car and I got on the FREEWAY!!! WOOOO!!!! It was awesome! The freeway was meant for MEEE! I love it! Before I got on the freeway my dad said "Ok, pray so we wont crash!" lol The funny thing is that he was nervous and I wasnt nervous at ALL! I loved it! I really want to get my license now so I can get on FREEWAYS! Woooo!

I get to wake up LATE tmrw!!!!! Woooo!!!!!

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