I had my behind the wheel driving test this morning. My dad told me the night before that he wasn't going to be able to with me to the DMV, because he to set up for some special event at the Hollywood Bowl. He told me that my stupid-idiot-asshole-moron brother was going to take me. So, this morning I got up and got ready for my 9am appointment. It was around 8:12am when I asked my stupid-idiot-asshole-moron brother to take me to the DMV. He didn't want to take me. I asked him, and asked. Then I went to my room and I just started crying and I called my dad. And he was PISSED. He said "I'll be there in 10 minutes. Wait for me outside." (NOTE: I cried because I was furious! I was more than furious! I don't know another word that means beyond furious. Whatever that word is, that's what I felt) So I went downstairs, and I waited. I text Soleil and I told her what was going on. I started crying again. Then my korean neighbor walked by and she said "Are you ok honey???" and I said "yes" I obviously lied. Ugh. 13 miutes later my dad showed up to the rescue. He said "I'm going upstairs. Wait here" I wish I could have gone upstairs to hear what he told my stupid-idiot-asshole-moron brother. When he came back downstairs, we left to the DMV. He was driving FAST. I mean FAST. He was telling on our way over there "This is not the way your suppose to drive, but I want to get you there on time" I said "ok" THEN he started talking about my stupid-idiot-asshole-moron brother. He called him "MIERDA" "HYPOCRITE" When he was saying all those things, it made me feel better cause he's starting to realize how his son REALLY is! He said "He's such a hypocrite! He didnt want to take you because he doesnt want you to get your license because he wants the car all to himself. But he's VERY mistaken!"
When we got the DMV there was a line. They hadn't open yet. We made line. There was this elderly lady in front of us. Once they opened, the black lady behind the counter said that our line had to straighter and blah blah blah. She pretty much talked to us like were little kids. The black lady called "NEXT!" and the elderly lady went next. Omg the black lady yelled at the elderly lady. She said "YOU NEED YOUR VEHICLE REGISTRATION TO TAKE THE TEST! GET OUT THE LINE! ... NEXT!" Omg, my dad told me "what a piece of trash!" He was right. There was NO need to yell at her like that. When she called next, it was my turn. She said "Do YOU have the papers?!" I said "Yes" Then she looked at all the papers and she said "Ok, put this on top of your dashboard and park in the drive way" So me and my dad go outside and I park the car where she told me. I was just sitting there waiting for the instructor to show up. THEN, the SAME black lady behind the desk gets in the CAR!!! OMG, I wouldn't fucking believe it! In my head all I said to myself was "Ok yeah, She's going to fail me" OMG, she raised my nervous level way the hell up there!
So I start driving and she kept looking at ME not the road but ME. That made me really nervous. THEN I had to drive through this neighborhood and a BUM with his target cart was in my way!!! He was standing in the middle of the street!!! OMG, I didn't know what to do. If the stupid black lady wasn't with me in the car, I would have gone around the bum. But I didn't do it, because she was probably going to FAIL me. So I waited until the bum got to the sidewalk. I drove to hollywood and vine, then we went back to DMV. She told me to park. Then she told me to turn off the car. THEN she said "when you drive you need to keep the vehicle centered, you need to pull into the intersection when making a left turn. So, in order to pass you're allowed 15 errors. You had 16 errors. You need to reschedule another appointment." OMG, I felt my heart drop to the floor. And that's it, she just got out of the car. OMG my dad walked inside the car and he hugged me. I almost cried (again). He told me that he was going to give me the car so I can take it to work tonight =( I REALLY almost cried hahaha. I came home and I made an appointment for this Monday coming up. I'M GOING TO PASS.
I cant believe I DIDN'T pass because I went over ONE error. Ugh.
Thanks to everyone who text/called to wish me Good Luck! You guys are awesooooooome!"
Here are some of the texts! Some of them are funny, so I'll post them up! hahaha
"Good LUCK on your driving TEST!!!! You will pass and be driving to work later :)"
"Good luck today karla!! U got this shit in the bag. And im pretty sure i said today was the day, right?"
"OMG! Good fucking luck bitch!! I hope you pass so we can go PARTY!"
Thank GOD for work tonight. I need a distraction!