I just got back from work. Work was crazy today, I swear. The first show was SOLD OUT. They were ALL little kids from different schools that showed up. I was lead at the orchestra level. I had pre orders of 95 healthy kids packs, 122 classic kid packs, and 93 kid meals for the FIRST show! I just wanted that first show to be OVER. But, oh! The second show was worse! The second show was only a group of 262 kids. But OMG these kids were BAD. They ALL bought stuff. NOTE: I only had 3 ppl with me behind the snack bar. All I kept hearing was "EXCUSE ME! EXCUSE ME! HOW MUCH IS THIS! HOW MUCH IS THAT! EXCUSE ME! EXCUSE ME!" OMG! I wanted to shoot THEM! Geez! It's like Hello! Your in line this whole time! Why dont you take a fucking second to look at the menu and decide what your dumbass is going to get! (these kids were in middle/high school, just in case you were wondering) Ugh, I was so frustrated. Seriously. And one of the guys in the snack bar was telling me "Smile!" I said "NO! Not until all these stupid kids LEAVE!"
OMG, DURING the movie they kept leaving their seats! They were going to the "restroom" YEAH RIGHT! they kept coming back to the snack bar! First of all they didnt have a lot of money. They came to me with $1-$2 and asked me "What can I buy with this?" I said "CHEESE" and they would walk away. THEN more of them came out! It was just never ending.
After they left, the guy behind the snack bar told me "ok, they left now! So Smile!" hahaha I smiled. lol I dont want to say his name cause I have a story about him that I'm going to tell later, and I dont want to get him in trouble. (Just in case someone reads this and tells on him) I'm going to name him . . . . Jacob! (Because I just finished reading NEW MOON last night, and I like Jacob's name)
So for the 3rd show it was pretty slow. Me and "Jacob" were just standing there and this really pretty girl comes to the concession stand and he says "HI! How can I help you ma'am?" while he's hitting me with his elbow. She ordered nachos and "Jacob" tells me "omg! She's HOT!" hahaha and I just started laughing. While she was ordering he kept looking at her boobs while SHE looked at the menu! hahaha and after she paid and left. I said "Shame on you! You have a GF!" and another co-worker heard me and he came to the snack bar as well, were going to name him "Charlie." I told "Jacob" "why do you guys do that!? You guys are NOT single" then "Charlie"said "Think of it this way, when we go to a bar we're not hungry. But when we see the nuts/popcorn on the counter, we get a little even though we're not hungry" I said "WOW, you guys are BAD! Why would you eat nuts/popcorn when you have FOOD at home?!" hahaha they just laughed, they didnt answer me. Then a guest walked up and the conversation was OVER. Then I thought "hmm, he just compared girls to nuts/popcorn" hahaha yeah . . . guys are just WRONG! and EVIL! EVIL! Girls are EVIL too, I'm not going to lie. Everyone is just EVIL. Sucks.
Anyway . . .
During break I went to forever 21 to return a shirt. After forever 21 I went to MAC. I bought a 15 eyeshadow pallet for Soleil. She bought me a book, so I got her MAC. I walked in and they all greeted me like and old friend! I love it. They're so nice, I swear. SO, I walked in and the manager of MAC (I dunno his name, YET) tells me "Your makeup looks fabulous!" I dunno if he was just saying that, or if he really did mean it. I feel weird getting makeup compliments from MA's at MAC because THEY'RE the pro's not ME. You know? I dunno, its funny. Anyway, I said "THANKS!, Um, Can I get the 15 eyeshadow pallet please?" He said "sure!" He goes to the back and this other MA comes up to me and says "Hello honey! how are you?!" (he remembers me cause he did my foundation when I bought the sculpt one. Which later broke me out) I said "I'm good! How are you?" He said "Great! What's going on across the street?" I said "OH! Its the premiere for UP tmrw" He said "Whats that?" by that time the manager had came back from getting the pallet and he said "Its the one with the balloons and the old man" and the other MA was like "Ohhhhh! OK!" Then he had to go cause he was doing a tourist makeup. Before I was about to pay, he said "I want you and your friend to come to our event!' I said "Oh! OH! the one with the leopard print packaging!" He said "YES!" and I said "OK! We'll come!" (Thats what she said) and he wrote our names down and he gave me a card with the appointment on it. I said "THANK YOU!" and as I was leaving I said "See you the 29th!" Then he said "oh no, thats too far away you should come sooner!" hahaha and I left.
They're so nice. I'm going to bring them souvenirs from NEW YORK I swear.
My mom just called and asked if I wanted to go to TARGET with her. I said "Sorry, No. I'm too tired" =( She was shocked that I said NO to target. Sorry target.
I don't have any pictures to post up with this blog. Sorry.
OH! wait yes I do!
Yesterday I went to go see "Little Ashes" with Sergio, Soleil, and another co worker! The movie was so CUTE and sad =( One of my favorite parts was when R-Patz (Salvador Dali) asked Javier (Frederico Garcia Lorca) "What should I wear?" and Frederico said "You should wear the purple one" and Salvador said "But I dont like the purple one" Then Frederico said "Then the grey one" Then Salvador said "I like the grey one!" hahaha that was so CUTE!

OMG, DURING the movie they kept leaving their seats! They were going to the "restroom" YEAH RIGHT! they kept coming back to the snack bar! First of all they didnt have a lot of money. They came to me with $1-$2 and asked me "What can I buy with this?" I said "CHEESE" and they would walk away. THEN more of them came out! It was just never ending.
After they left, the guy behind the snack bar told me "ok, they left now! So Smile!" hahaha I smiled. lol I dont want to say his name cause I have a story about him that I'm going to tell later, and I dont want to get him in trouble. (Just in case someone reads this and tells on him) I'm going to name him . . . . Jacob! (Because I just finished reading NEW MOON last night, and I like Jacob's name)
So for the 3rd show it was pretty slow. Me and "Jacob" were just standing there and this really pretty girl comes to the concession stand and he says "HI! How can I help you ma'am?" while he's hitting me with his elbow. She ordered nachos and "Jacob" tells me "omg! She's HOT!" hahaha and I just started laughing. While she was ordering he kept looking at her boobs while SHE looked at the menu! hahaha and after she paid and left. I said "Shame on you! You have a GF!" and another co-worker heard me and he came to the snack bar as well, were going to name him "Charlie." I told "Jacob" "why do you guys do that!? You guys are NOT single" then "Charlie"said "Think of it this way, when we go to a bar we're not hungry. But when we see the nuts/popcorn on the counter, we get a little even though we're not hungry" I said "WOW, you guys are BAD! Why would you eat nuts/popcorn when you have FOOD at home?!" hahaha they just laughed, they didnt answer me. Then a guest walked up and the conversation was OVER. Then I thought "hmm, he just compared girls to nuts/popcorn" hahaha yeah . . . guys are just WRONG! and EVIL! EVIL! Girls are EVIL too, I'm not going to lie. Everyone is just EVIL. Sucks.
Anyway . . .
During break I went to forever 21 to return a shirt. After forever 21 I went to MAC. I bought a 15 eyeshadow pallet for Soleil. She bought me a book, so I got her MAC. I walked in and they all greeted me like and old friend! I love it. They're so nice, I swear. SO, I walked in and the manager of MAC (I dunno his name, YET) tells me "Your makeup looks fabulous!" I dunno if he was just saying that, or if he really did mean it. I feel weird getting makeup compliments from MA's at MAC because THEY'RE the pro's not ME. You know? I dunno, its funny. Anyway, I said "THANKS!, Um, Can I get the 15 eyeshadow pallet please?" He said "sure!" He goes to the back and this other MA comes up to me and says "Hello honey! how are you?!" (he remembers me cause he did my foundation when I bought the sculpt one. Which later broke me out) I said "I'm good! How are you?" He said "Great! What's going on across the street?" I said "OH! Its the premiere for UP tmrw" He said "Whats that?" by that time the manager had came back from getting the pallet and he said "Its the one with the balloons and the old man" and the other MA was like "Ohhhhh! OK!" Then he had to go cause he was doing a tourist makeup. Before I was about to pay, he said "I want you and your friend to come to our event!' I said "Oh! OH! the one with the leopard print packaging!" He said "YES!" and I said "OK! We'll come!" (Thats what she said) and he wrote our names down and he gave me a card with the appointment on it. I said "THANK YOU!" and as I was leaving I said "See you the 29th!" Then he said "oh no, thats too far away you should come sooner!" hahaha and I left.
They're so nice. I'm going to bring them souvenirs from NEW YORK I swear.
My mom just called and asked if I wanted to go to TARGET with her. I said "Sorry, No. I'm too tired" =( She was shocked that I said NO to target. Sorry target.
I don't have any pictures to post up with this blog. Sorry.
OH! wait yes I do!
Yesterday I went to go see "Little Ashes" with Sergio, Soleil, and another co worker! The movie was so CUTE and sad =( One of my favorite parts was when R-Patz (Salvador Dali) asked Javier (Frederico Garcia Lorca) "What should I wear?" and Frederico said "You should wear the purple one" and Salvador said "But I dont like the purple one" Then Frederico said "Then the grey one" Then Salvador said "I like the grey one!" hahaha that was so CUTE!
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