Since January 2009

Friday, July 10, 2009


Today was pretty fun at work (the bowl) Time went by FAST. Before work, me and Leslie went to that Japanese restaurant again. I ordered chicken chowmein and california rolls. OMG I swear on ANYTHING I was so full. I didnt even finish the california rolls! I made Leslie eat two and I left 3 on the plate. I couldnt eat anymore. After we left the restaurant, we were walking and I swear I ALMOST threw up! That's how FULL I was! Ugh .... never again! That was thee worst feeling EVER!

When we got the bowl, I took 2 midol and I drank A LOT of water. A couple hours later, I was starting to feel better.

I went to sephora ... again =/ I bought the prettiest nail polishes OPI has made! I loooooooove these colors! If these nail polishes were $3 instead of $9 I would buy the WHOLE collection. I kid you not! They're SO nice! I love pretty nail polishes! I wear all my dark pretty colors for the bowl. When I work at El Cap I have to take them off =( and wear "toned" down colors. Booooo!!!!
Meet For Drinks, Metrio Chic, & Ms. Can't Be Wrong.

Disney needs to loosen up and let their employees look a LITTLE modern! Seriously! Even the hollywood bowl allows piercings, tattoos, nail polishes, ANYTHING. They're cool. But Disney on the other hand .... they need to UPGRADE!

So, I'm pretty excited for NEW YORK. I'm going to start making my list of things to take NOW. When I went to FranceI forgot a couple things. So, NOW I want to be extra prepared! I'm going to call the hotel tmrw, and get that going. Speaking of trips. My mom was talking about taking a trip to hawaii. She wants us (mom, dad, brother, & me) to go to hawaii. She wants to go on a cruise and all that good stuff. I'm not THAT thrilled to go. I would love to see hawaii, but that means that we're going to be under the SUN most of the time. I seriously cannot get any darker than I am now. I dont like getting tanned. I hate it! I would prefer to go to alaska, canada, anywhere where its COLD and cloudy! I LOVE that weather! But the sun .... eh.

But I'll go. Just for her.

Today at the bowl, me and Gio had a little bonding time today. He was venting about his issues with a certain girl that he likes. He was telling me how girls are so confusing and what not. In HIS situation I agree, the girl makes things pretty confusing. But, in MOST cases the GUY is the one who is the confusing one. Right? I'm not picking sides here, because girls ARE pretty difficult to figure out .... but so are men.

I think that men and women should just be up front and CLEAR about what they want in the beginning. What their intentions are. That way, everyone saves their time and energy. Right? Im just saying . . .

Speaking of men! I saw the grossest finger nails on a guy today! Ewwww!!! Thats such a turn OFF. Keep your finger nails clean and short guys!!! REALLY. Girls DO notice!

I think I've said this before but, I feel like when I meet a new guy/potential bf and I tell ppl about this person .... I feel like I JINX it! It never fails! I dont know WHY, but I have a feeling that my theory is true lol SO, now that I met this new person I'm NOT going to tell ANYBODY I mean ANYBODY. I'm going to test my theory! hahaha I'm not going to mention his name, where I met him, where he works, NOTHING. I know ppl are going to ask me about him, after they read this blog even though they know I'm NOT going to say anything about him! *cough* lez! *cough* hahaha We'll see how this turns out lol =)

On another note, Leslie told me that I should take the "Sex and the city" tour when I go to new york! I didnt even know they had a sex and the city tour! I looked it up and it DOES exist!!! Its $40 a person, the tour is 3 and a half hours long. They take you to all the "hot spots" where the girls from sex and the city went and all this other cool stuff! I want to do it! Leslie also told me that the bus that tour takes place in is a PINK bus! =D I'm going to take SO many pictures!

Tmrw, I'm off at El Cap! =D Yaaaay! I get to wake up late AGAIN! =)

Goooood Night!

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