Friday I went to Glendale with Sergio. We went to go watch POST GRAD. The movie was pretty good. It was more like a reality check for ME. I liked the movie overall. After the movie we went inside the Galleria to go hinting for my warm jacket to take to NY. So we walk into the mall and the first store we walk into is the Sanrio store! We walked in and I grabbed a HK air freshener for my car. When I went to the counter to pay I saw this HK case behind the cashier. I asked her what that was. She said "Oh, thats a pill case" I said "A pill case?" She said "Yeah, you know for your birth cont ..." She didnt finish the sentence! When she said that I looked at Sergio and I laughed! hahaha Sergio didnt know what I was laughing at until I explained it to him later.
After the Sanrio store we went to Sephora and I bought my BUXOM mascara! This mascara is by far my favorite. I love this one!

After sephora we went to JC Penny to look for my coat. We found this whole section dedicated to coats! So, we were looking around and we found one! This is one is it.
BUT it was $200 and it was 40%! I was SO close to buying it but I didnt. That coat was so warm! I was just standing there and I was sweating in it! After JC Penny we went to Target and I found a jacket but its not warm like this the first one that I tried on. So, tmrw me, Sergio, and Soleil are going to go back and get it. Hopefully its still there!

OH! So on our way to target me and Sergio stopped by this maternity store to see if maybe THEY had jackets lol .... they didnt. When we walked in this little asian lady welcomed us in and she said "Hello! Are you shopping for a friend or for yourself?" LOL and she looked at my gut! hahaha and I said "For a friend!" and I looked at Sergio and I laughed! lol I should have said we were shopping for ME that would have been funier lol She probably would have thought that Neene was my babies daddy! lol So, they didnt have any jackets. So what did me and Sergio do? We took pictures! hahaha

Yesterday I had 2 and a half hours to kill before I started at the bowl so I went to ROSS to kill time. OMG I found Dr. Martens Mary Janes!! You guys have NO idea how bad I wanted to own Dr. M shoes when I was in middle school! They were SO expensive so I had to settle for sketchers lol and NOW I came across a $10 pair!!! I took it! I tried them on and I LOVED them! =D

Last night when I got home I remembered to take a picture of my car for you guys! Here it is!! ************Drum Roll PLeeeeeeeease*******

Also on my way up the stairs I took random pictures since I had the camera in hands!
This is my hallway ....

This is a misspelled notice that our DUMBASS manager put up.
Ok, I better get going. I have to be at work at 2pm
Oh! So today is warped tour. I had tickets to go but NO he wouldnt give me the day off. He could have EASILY borrowed one of the guys from the other lot to replace ME for ONE day. But he still said NO. I'll go more into detail later. In another blog. K bye!
After the Sanrio store we went to Sephora and I bought my BUXOM mascara! This mascara is by far my favorite. I love this one!
After sephora we went to JC Penny to look for my coat. We found this whole section dedicated to coats! So, we were looking around and we found one! This is one is it.

OH! So on our way to target me and Sergio stopped by this maternity store to see if maybe THEY had jackets lol .... they didnt. When we walked in this little asian lady welcomed us in and she said "Hello! Are you shopping for a friend or for yourself?" LOL and she looked at my gut! hahaha and I said "For a friend!" and I looked at Sergio and I laughed! lol I should have said we were shopping for ME that would have been funier lol She probably would have thought that Neene was my babies daddy! lol So, they didnt have any jackets. So what did me and Sergio do? We took pictures! hahaha
Yesterday I had 2 and a half hours to kill before I started at the bowl so I went to ROSS to kill time. OMG I found Dr. Martens Mary Janes!! You guys have NO idea how bad I wanted to own Dr. M shoes when I was in middle school! They were SO expensive so I had to settle for sketchers lol and NOW I came across a $10 pair!!! I took it! I tried them on and I LOVED them! =D
Also on my way up the stairs I took random pictures since I had the camera in hands!
This is my hallway ....
This is a misspelled notice that our DUMBASS manager put up.
Oh! So today is warped tour. I had tickets to go but NO he wouldnt give me the day off. He could have EASILY borrowed one of the guys from the other lot to replace ME for ONE day. But he still said NO. I'll go more into detail later. In another blog. K bye!
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