Last year in December I went to Paris, France. At that time I didn't have a blog. So I didn't get a chance to write about my experience and what not. So now, almost a year later Ive decided to post a blog about that trip! Here it goes!
Thursday December 4th, 2008 Soleil, Luz and myself got on a plane and we were heading over to PARIS, FRANCE! Here I am, at LAX waiting and PRAYING lol
I'm a little scared of flying haha
We were waiting to get on the plane here. Passport and ticket? CHECK!
14 hours later, we ARRIVED at Paris, France!! Here we are inside the cab. We were on our way to our hotel.
This is the view from our hotel room =)
Yup, that's the Eiffel Tower behind me!

We went to Mc. Donald's over there. They serve beer!

OMG crepes! They were so good! I had mine with bananas! Mmm! A little messy, but it was yummy!
This is how it looked like at night. The tree's were lit up =)
This is the next day. Were on our way downstairs for breakfast. Our hotel provided free breakfast!

This is what we had every morning, before we left the hotel.
We were on our way to the catacombes!

This was so pretty =) All those bones are HUMAN bones! Fo real!
This is ED. It's like a rip off of 711. Kinda.
This was at pere lachaise cemetery . . .

Jim Morrison's grave

Sacre Coeur. This church was really nice.
This is what I called the "downtown LA" part of France.
This was our hotel!
Eiffel tower at night. Its so pretty =)

Soleil getting her drink on hahaha

This is the pyramid in the louvre!
Sephora! Sephora!

This is Mona Lisa inside the louvre

Military man outside the louvre
This is Notre Dame! After we visited the notre dame, we went to a subway near by and their sandwhiches tasted funky. I still ate mine, cause I was starving. But still, they were a little weird.

This is the NEXT day! We were on our way to DISNEYLAND!

OMG, we were in line for I dont know how long, but we were FREEZING our asses off! OMG. I couldnt believe it. I honestly felt like my toes were going to fall off and Soleil said my lips turned purple. It was horrible.

After we took our pictures with the characters, we looked for somewhere warm to warm up a little before catch something. We went inside this guest services office and we sat on the floor. They were playing FINDING NEMO =)
After, we headed over to the rides!

After disneyland we went to SEPHORA . . . . AGAIN lol
The day after, we went to a hello kitty store! Wooooo!!!!
This is at Versailles! It snowed that day!

After Versailles, we headed over the MAC Pro store! OMG I was in heaven. We arrived a couple minutes before they closed. It was fate! I don't remember what I bought.
After MAC we went to go eat at this little restaurant near by and I ordered a burger, and this is what they gave me. They gave me mini potatoes, a beef patty with an egg on top, lettuce on the side, and a basket of bread. It was something different, but it was GOOD!
The next day, which was my 22nd Birthday, we headed over the Eiffel Tower!

This is the view from all the way from the very TOP.

This is the best mall ever!
After the mall, we went to this little restaurant. OMG they had the BEST burger ever! (I know, all we ate was burgers in FRANCE. Next time, I'll order something thats' NOT burgers! I promise!)

Mmm! It was SO good!
Iced Tea!!
After dinner, we went on this cruise. This picture was taken while we were making line to get on the ship! Soleil was trying to suffocate me!
After the cruise, we headed back to our hotel . . .
We took so many pictures inside this elevator! we took this elevator everyday to go up to our room.
Making phone calls!
Our balcony =)
I LOVE that head piece from disneyland! It was meant for ME!
This right here was our shower. Do you see that?! There was no shower head. There was only that water hose looking thing. AND the glass outside the tub didn't cover the whole tub. We only had HALF the tub covered. So, we made a mess every time we showered. We used that little bucket to help make it easier lol
THIS was our "blow dryer" Yeah. It sucked haha it took SO long for my hair to get dry =/
This was on our way to the airport. Poor taxi lady, she jammed our luggage in there really good. Us tree were in the backseat with our carry on, on our laps lol
This is us on the airplane going back HOME =)

I think this was our dinner. Yes, dinner. It was pretty good. I think they served us lunch too. I forgot.
We had to stop in Detroit to get our next flight to LA! I swear, I dont know how ppl can be on a plane for that long. I almost went crazy! CRAZY! lol
My momma gave me these when we arrived at LAX.
(My next trip is in NOVEMBER! We're going to NEW YORK! How exciting!)
Thursday December 4th, 2008 Soleil, Luz and myself got on a plane and we were heading over to PARIS, FRANCE! Here I am, at LAX waiting and PRAYING lol
Iced Tea!!
(My next trip is in NOVEMBER! We're going to NEW YORK! How exciting!)
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