I just had two tylenol's and a capri sun, so I should be good while I write this blog. Where do I start . . . Oh yes! On Friday I went out with Sergio & Soleil. We went to the Disney studio in Burbank to purchase some movie tickets. Since we're part of "Disney" we get discounts on movie tickets. After we purchased our movie tickets we went to the AMC theater in Burbank to watch "All About Steve" I give that movie a 4 out of 10. Some parts were a little boring, and it reminded me TOO much of this one idiot that I work with.
Speaking of the idiot, later that afternoon I was suppose to see THE USED at jimmy kimmel. I had my tickets ready and everything. BUT this moron wanted to go with me, because she wanted to see this guy that she likes (He works for Jimmy Kimmel). She somehow ended up getting tickets to see the used too. I did NOT want to go with her because she was totally going to ruin my evening and she was NOT going to let me enjoy the show! And PLUS I was going to be in the front, by the barricade and she would have most likely complained the WHOLE time! Anyhow, this bitch called me, text me, left me voicemails, text Soleil, she left me stuff on facebook, she ASKED a co worker to send me a message on twitter! She's unfuckingbelieveable! She text me A LOT! I would think she'll get the POINT after me NOT responding to all those messages! I would THINK! But NO! She's fucking PSYCHO! Then I decided to NOT go to the show at all, because I thought that her bitch ass was going to be there looking for me. I was SO pissed off. I was angry and frustrated! ALL OVER A FUCKING GUY! She doesnt even know who THE USED are! Thats ONE thing that really gets me mad! Someone that goes to shows when they dont even like the band! There might be REAL fans outside who didnt get tickets and they had to watch from the rooftop. When THEY could have used the tickets that SHE had! Ugh!!!!! Stupid STUPID bitch!!!!!
After I decided to NOT go to the show. Sergio, Soleil, and I headed to the Beverly Center. We were on a hunt for Sergio's clothes for NY. He found a really nice coat, a beanie, and a scarf at H&M.
This is the coat =)

This is how much he spent on those 3 things. Big Bollah!

THEN we went to Target to hunt for Soleils boots for NY. She tried on these black boots, but she didnt like them.

After we left target I wanted to pass by Jimmy Kimmel, just because I wanted to. When we passed by they were in the middle of the new song then they started playing "A Box Full Of Sharp Objects" I put my emergency lights on and we watch from the street. We left during the song. All I thought was "That fucking hood rat is in there watching the show!" I later found out that the stupid biotch went to the jimmy kimmel show to look for me and when she saw that I wasnt there she left. I hate her, I really do. The first time she made me miss the smashing pumpkins, cause it was her bday dinner. It wasnt her fault, but still. THE SMASHING PUMPKINS!!!! Omg, im an idiot. I cant believe I missed that show. I had FREE PIT TICKETS!!! I swear, sometimes I make the stupidest decisions ever. I shall learn from them though. NEVER AGAIN! Free PIT tickets, geez. . . . .
After, we went to have dinner at this mexican restaurant by Sergio's house. They have really good food there. While we were there, Sergio & Soleil tried to cheer me up, they really did (THANKS =]) What kinda cheered me up was when I was on my way to drop off Soleil she started singing the 2 thrice songs that she learned by heart lol that was the coolest thing ever. I swear it felt weird to hear SOLEIL sing a thrice song. She did a good job though hahaha I cant wait for the thrice show =) So, on our way to her house we passed by the palladium and Soleil was kind enought to get out the car and take this picture for me =)
Since I quit the bowl I have all this free time. So yesterday (Saturday) I took my mom to the griddle on sunset. I love that place. The food is SO good! Everytime I go there, I ALWAYS get the grilled chicken avocado sandwhich with steak fries. But yesterday I got the "Baked Potatoe Omelette" It was GOOD! =) My mom liked it too =) Our waiter was soooo pretty! He was so nice and hot =) hahaha while we were waiting for our food my text me and the text read: "The guy next to you is cute huh?" hahaha I LOL! hahaha He was cute too lol He was with this hoochie though. She was wearing WAY too much makeup, she had little booty shorts, you can see her celulite while she was SITTING, she tried WAY too hard to impress him, she talked about the stupidest things. He looked bored. And she had COFFEE when it was like 100 degrees outside!
Anyway . . . .
After we ate I called Nene to see if he wanted to go to the movies, since he was home. He said yes. So we went to go pick him up. My mom has a lot of free AMC tickets so, we went over to the Burbank theater (again) and we went to go watch "District 9" while the previews were going on I told Sergio "I bet you $5 that my mom is going to go to sleep!" He just laughed lol Um . . . about 15 miutes into the movie I look over to my mom and she's KNOCKED OUT! hahahaha!!!! and I tell Sergio and he just laughed LOL It was so funny. I could tell you this much, I really liked "District 9" better than "All About Steve"
After the movie we headed over to ROSS where Sergio held his mini runway show! (PETA, this is not real fur so calm down!)

Work It!
Then we went to Old Navy. Oh my mom bought us Pretzals Mmmm!
My mom wanted to take a picture with the horses lol
TODAY I went to Glendale, to go look for those damn boots. First I went to the nordtrom rack. I walked over the shoe section and they had all these rain boots! So I look and I found the perfect ones! They were beautiful! The things is that they didnt have it in my size!!!! THEN I see this lady walking by and she had MY boots in MY size!!!!!!!! OMG!!!!!!! When I saw her I swear I followed her around the store hoping that she'll leave the boots somewhere. But NO, she bought them =( I was SO bummed out. My mom said, we;ll come back next week. I said NO lol I was so sad =( those were THEE ones! Since I didnt my boots, I bought a harajuku watch an eyeshadow and a nail polish =(
Also on friday I went to the MAC store at the Beverly Center and I bought these 2 eye shadows. The MA that helped me looked so pretty! She looked like a pretty pin up barbie doll! =)
Violet Trance
Off The Paige

I completely forgot that I dont go to school tmrw! YAY! NO SCHOOL!!!!! I got to work in the evening though. Hooray $! Im going to go watch sex and the city now, while I do my nails with this new pretty nail polish!
Bye Bye!
Speaking of the idiot, later that afternoon I was suppose to see THE USED at jimmy kimmel. I had my tickets ready and everything. BUT this moron wanted to go with me, because she wanted to see this guy that she likes (He works for Jimmy Kimmel). She somehow ended up getting tickets to see the used too. I did NOT want to go with her because she was totally going to ruin my evening and she was NOT going to let me enjoy the show! And PLUS I was going to be in the front, by the barricade and she would have most likely complained the WHOLE time! Anyhow, this bitch called me, text me, left me voicemails, text Soleil, she left me stuff on facebook, she ASKED a co worker to send me a message on twitter! She's unfuckingbelieveable! She text me A LOT! I would think she'll get the POINT after me NOT responding to all those messages! I would THINK! But NO! She's fucking PSYCHO! Then I decided to NOT go to the show at all, because I thought that her bitch ass was going to be there looking for me. I was SO pissed off. I was angry and frustrated! ALL OVER A FUCKING GUY! She doesnt even know who THE USED are! Thats ONE thing that really gets me mad! Someone that goes to shows when they dont even like the band! There might be REAL fans outside who didnt get tickets and they had to watch from the rooftop. When THEY could have used the tickets that SHE had! Ugh!!!!! Stupid STUPID bitch!!!!!
After I decided to NOT go to the show. Sergio, Soleil, and I headed to the Beverly Center. We were on a hunt for Sergio's clothes for NY. He found a really nice coat, a beanie, and a scarf at H&M.
This is the coat =)
This is how much he spent on those 3 things. Big Bollah!
THEN we went to Target to hunt for Soleils boots for NY. She tried on these black boots, but she didnt like them.
After we left target I wanted to pass by Jimmy Kimmel, just because I wanted to. When we passed by they were in the middle of the new song then they started playing "A Box Full Of Sharp Objects" I put my emergency lights on and we watch from the street. We left during the song. All I thought was "That fucking hood rat is in there watching the show!" I later found out that the stupid biotch went to the jimmy kimmel show to look for me and when she saw that I wasnt there she left. I hate her, I really do. The first time she made me miss the smashing pumpkins, cause it was her bday dinner. It wasnt her fault, but still. THE SMASHING PUMPKINS!!!! Omg, im an idiot. I cant believe I missed that show. I had FREE PIT TICKETS!!! I swear, sometimes I make the stupidest decisions ever. I shall learn from them though. NEVER AGAIN! Free PIT tickets, geez. . . . .
After, we went to have dinner at this mexican restaurant by Sergio's house. They have really good food there. While we were there, Sergio & Soleil tried to cheer me up, they really did (THANKS =]) What kinda cheered me up was when I was on my way to drop off Soleil she started singing the 2 thrice songs that she learned by heart lol that was the coolest thing ever. I swear it felt weird to hear SOLEIL sing a thrice song. She did a good job though hahaha I cant wait for the thrice show =) So, on our way to her house we passed by the palladium and Soleil was kind enought to get out the car and take this picture for me =)
Since I quit the bowl I have all this free time. So yesterday (Saturday) I took my mom to the griddle on sunset. I love that place. The food is SO good! Everytime I go there, I ALWAYS get the grilled chicken avocado sandwhich with steak fries. But yesterday I got the "Baked Potatoe Omelette" It was GOOD! =) My mom liked it too =) Our waiter was soooo pretty! He was so nice and hot =) hahaha while we were waiting for our food my text me and the text read: "The guy next to you is cute huh?" hahaha I LOL! hahaha He was cute too lol He was with this hoochie though. She was wearing WAY too much makeup, she had little booty shorts, you can see her celulite while she was SITTING, she tried WAY too hard to impress him, she talked about the stupidest things. He looked bored. And she had COFFEE when it was like 100 degrees outside!
Anyway . . . .
After we ate I called Nene to see if he wanted to go to the movies, since he was home. He said yes. So we went to go pick him up. My mom has a lot of free AMC tickets so, we went over to the Burbank theater (again) and we went to go watch "District 9" while the previews were going on I told Sergio "I bet you $5 that my mom is going to go to sleep!" He just laughed lol Um . . . about 15 miutes into the movie I look over to my mom and she's KNOCKED OUT! hahahaha!!!! and I tell Sergio and he just laughed LOL It was so funny. I could tell you this much, I really liked "District 9" better than "All About Steve"
After the movie we headed over to ROSS where Sergio held his mini runway show! (PETA, this is not real fur so calm down!)
TODAY I went to Glendale, to go look for those damn boots. First I went to the nordtrom rack. I walked over the shoe section and they had all these rain boots! So I look and I found the perfect ones! They were beautiful! The things is that they didnt have it in my size!!!! THEN I see this lady walking by and she had MY boots in MY size!!!!!!!! OMG!!!!!!! When I saw her I swear I followed her around the store hoping that she'll leave the boots somewhere. But NO, she bought them =( I was SO bummed out. My mom said, we;ll come back next week. I said NO lol I was so sad =( those were THEE ones! Since I didnt my boots, I bought a harajuku watch an eyeshadow and a nail polish =(
Violet Trance

I completely forgot that I dont go to school tmrw! YAY! NO SCHOOL!!!!! I got to work in the evening though. Hooray $! Im going to go watch sex and the city now, while I do my nails with this new pretty nail polish!
Bye Bye!
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