Everyone knows that cars need gasoline in order for them to function. Sometimes, the smell of gasoline is horrible to some people. But they have to do what they have to do! Well, concerts are MY gasoline! My tank was empty! And yes, its physically painful sometimes but its so fucking worth it! This weekend I went to the Hollywood Palladium Saturday and Sunday to go see BRAND NEW, Manchester Orchestra, and The Builders and the Butchers. I cannot explain how amazing this weekend was for me! I completely shut everything else out of my life. It was all about the music this weekend! My mom called while I was waiting in line and she said "Have you talked to Soleil or Sergio? Did you forget you have friends?" hahaha Im NOT going to lie, but I kinda slightly forgot about them. Not in a bad way or anything. When she said that to me I was like "Ohhhh Yeah!" hahaha Not only them, but I forgot about school, bills, homework, EVERYTHING! Anyway, Saturday morning I arrived there around 10:30am to start making line. Some of you might not understand why I make line so early and that's because, I have to be in the front. I mean, I HAVE to be! Its either Im in the front or Im in the back. Im a short girl, so I cant be in the middle because 90% of the people that go to shows are taller than me. Plus, I love being in the front. Its unbelievable! You feel like they're singing to you and you only. When they make eye contact with you, thats the fucking BEST! And you get to FULLY experience everything. Ahh, I love it! Sure, it physically hurts to be in the front, but its SO worth it!
Ok, Lets start!
Saturday morning I arrived to the palladium around 10:30am there were about 15-20 people in front of me. When I got there, I just set up my chair and I started reading my book. I didnt say hi to anybody. In front of me, there were 2 guys, and in front of those two guy there was this girl, alone. So when my brother got there, the social ball that he is; he started talking to the 2 guys and the girl. Then we all started playing UNO. The 2 guys were, Charlie and . . . I forgot the other ones name. And the girls name was . . . Katia (but you pronounce it caught-cha) We're just going to call her Kat. I couldn't pronounce her name at all! This girl told us yesterday that she is only 14 years old!! OMG I could NOT believe it! I swear I thought she was like 18 or 19 years old. This girl knows her shit though! Ask her about ANY band and she's know! I was very impressed! The other two guys, Charlie and ____________ those two were from Long Beach. They both knew their shit too! They were all very friendly and funny people to be in line with.
Around 6pm we started to put our things away in the car because the line was going to start moving. When I came back from dropping my stuff in my car there was a group of about 12 people that cut the line and went in front of us. Of course the people behind us and including ourselves were angry! So, we were like WTF! So, Our little group PLUS the group behind us decided to cut them! So we all just walked in front of them. They didnt say a damn word to us, cause they knew we were pissed! Hello! We've been waiting there since the AM! So they ALL could have kissed our ass! The group that was behind us were so funny! Especially this tall guy that was with the girls. We didnt get his name, but he was a little tipsy, Maybe that's why he was so fun to be around lol It was him and 3 other girls. When the line moved, we all started walking to the front doors and this idiot, asshole, son of a fucking cunt cut the line! He was the second one in line! OHHH! I was SOOOOO angry! So angry! Everyone was yelling at him and he didnt move an inch! He was an OLD african american man (if you can call him a man) When I mean old, I mean older than 100% of the people that were in line. He was about 50 years old.
When the doors opened, they scanned our tickets and the running began! We all ran to grab our spot in the front! When we had our spot, I looked over the my left and that fucking bitch ass 50 year old man was next to me! And he was standing with his legs fucking open because he was saving a spot for someone. OMG I wanted to elbow him in the ribs SO bad! 10 minutes later, this fucking bitch ass 50 year old asian lady comes to him and she stands right next to me! She was the one that he was saving the spot for!! I couldnt fucking believe it! WTF were they doin there?!?! I know that they BOTH did NOT like the bands that were going to play! The fucking old lady said "Who did we come to see again?" and the man said "Shhh, dont say that out loud. People are going to hear you" OMFG!! When she said that I looked at her with the WTF look, and she just looked down. Throughout the whole night, the fucking 50 year old man had his elbow in my rib! When brand new went up, I couldnt take it anymore so I fucking elbowed him back and his hand lost gripp from the barricade, so he had nothing to hang on to. Ha! Dont mess with ME mothafucka! So, he was holding on to his bitch the whole night. Stupid bitches, they probably went to that show because it was on their bucket list. Fucking morons. They chose the wrong show to go to!
Here's a picture what we took after we moved up from the group that TRIED to cut us in line! See how happy we were lol The tall one next to me, is Charlie, then its Cesar, and everyone on the right hand side are the group that were behind us. I dont know their names. The guy in the green sweater, on the floor is Sidney!
(Oh! I forgot to mention something! While we were in line, Cesar and guy who was tipsy had to go pee REALLY bad! But they didnt want to go because the line was going to move. So, they both couldnt take it anymore, so they went across the street to coffee bean. OMG 2 seconds after they left the line, they started to let us in!! OMG we all yelled out their names so they both could come back! They didnt even get a chance to go pee! They both ran back to the line! Once they scanned our tickets, we RAN inside to get a good spot! They were both holding it inside!)
This is us inside! =D You see the sleeve next to me? Well, thats that fucking cunt bitch! Ugh!
Builders and the Butchers
Manchester Orchestra! They were amazing! Great, GREAT band to see live!
Brand New!!! They were beyond, BEYOND amazing! BEYOND!!
Cesar and I
He looked in the camera!
In the middle of Brand New's set Cesar tells me "dude, I cant hold it anymore. I really have to go pee!" Right when he said that, we saw the tipsy guy getting pulled out of the crowd by security because he couldnt hold it either!! So, security pulled by brother out too, and he went to the restroom. Then he text me that he was in the balcony. That was the first time that he's left me alone in a pit before! I wasnt really alone because Sidney was with me, but still. Anyway, after Brand New's set, me and Sidney were walking out when out of nowhere I see Jeffrey Star hahaha He looked fierce. He's a fierce bitch I tell ya! Then I left, I drove home. I was SO tired!
The next morning I was there at 9am! I got there earlier because ... I just did lol 10 minutes after I showed up Kat showed up too! I knew she was going to be there because she told me the day before. After she showed up, Cesar showed up later.
This is Kat! The people that you see in back of her were there both nights too. They were nice. They said they were there at 8am =)
After 5 hours of being in line, me and Kat walked over to Jack in the box to get something to eat. On our way over there, we saw an accident that had JUST happened! I took a picture of course! The 2 people that you see on the right side were the owners of that car. They're fine. Nothing happened to them.
After we ate, and after we waited for another 5 hours. We were INSIDE! Yay! This time there was NO douch around with his 50 year old bitch! (Left to Right: Sidney, Cesar, Me, and Kat)
Before the bands went up . . .
This Greg the security man listening to SOUL music with Cesar while we waited for the show to start. "You have some soul in ya brotha!" lmao Greg fell asleep standing up on a couple of Brand New's songs! I have it on camera! They'll be on youtube once my laptop works =( Im using my brothers mac book right now (still) I miss my laptop. Anyway!
Manchester Orchestra!
Jesse Jesse! Fucking amazing!!!
Here's the setlist that Kat caught! =D They added SEVENTY TIMES SEVEN! OMG!! I couldnt believe it!! I was screaming like a 10 year old at a BSB concert! AND they played jude law! Fuuuuuuck! Best fucking brand new show that I've seen ever!!! the BEST!
After the show was over, me and Kat started walking out and I saw Jeffrey Star again lol This time I took a picture with him ... her. whatever lol Look how fierce this bitch is lol
Kat told me that she met Jesse the night before while she was waiting for her mom to pick her up after the show. So, she asked me if I wanted to go with her to meet Jesse again after the show. I said "uh, YEAH!" hahaha So, after the show we went to where the tour buses were and there was nobody there. I was surprised! Then I kid you not, 3 minutes later Jesse comes out the building and he's walking towards the tour bus. I coulnt believe it. Then I said "Jesse can you sign my ticket?" (He doesnt take pictures, because he said he's self conscious) Jesse said "Sure!" Then I took out my ipod and I asked him to sign it too =) And he did =) He's adorable and amazing and fucking GREAT!
There's a million other things that happen but Im not going to say them because (1) Its WAY too much to type and (2) I have to get ready for work! Oh! So, while I was at the show I picked up 2 shifts for this week lol I now have 5 days! Woooo!
Bye Bye!
1 comment:
I wanna wait in line like that for thrice. That looks like fun :)
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