Since January 2009

Monday, November 30, 2009

What to do! What to do!

So today I have a lot of things going on! I dont know what to do! First, I REALLY want to go to the Dashboard Confessional show tonight. The thing is, I dont have a ticket! I looked on craigslist and one person was selling their ticket for $29. I emailed them, but they never got back to me. Im assuming they sold it already. Then, there's this girl who is selling her ticket for $60. I emailed her and she said that a couple of people emailed her before me about the ticket, but they haven't gotten back to her. So, she told me that if they dont get back to her within the hour that she'll sell it to me. So, now I'm just here waiting for her email. THEN they called me from work, because they need people to work in Burbank for the princess and the frog thing. I really dont want to go over there. (1) I dont know anybody over there (2) I haven't been trained over there. I hate feeling like the new person. THEN, I also have to look for a place to have my bday kareoke thing. I have to get that done soon. If this girl doesnt email me back, im going to go look for a kareoke place OR I'm going to cure my sadness by going shopping! :) OMG speaking of shopping, today is CYBER MONDAY! I bought 2 dresses and a couple shirts from Gap/Old Navy! It was FREE shipping and 20% you're WHOLE purchase! :D I love deals :)

I hate this waiting game! I keep checking my email every 5 minutes :(
Ok, Im going to get ready. I dont know for what yet, but I'm just going to get ready lol

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