Since January 2009

Monday, June 14, 2010

Move over, Mr. Pricklepants!

This past Friday I went to the Aquarium of the Pacific with my boyfriend. We went later on in the afternoon because I assumed that there were going to be hundreds of kids on their field trip. I was right! When we showed up they were getting on the school bus to go home :) Oh! On our way to the aquarium we got a little lost lol We ended up in the middle of nowhere surrounded with trailers and trucks. We drove through this weird bridge that looked VERY similar to the bridge in SF. Anyway, this was his first time at the aquarium, it was so much fun! I like animals :) Here are some of the pictures.

OMG they feel so slimy! 
He was pretending to be a fish :)
This thing is so cool
So pretty!

After the aquarium, we went to the market to buy groceries cause I was going to make dinner. We were going to go out and eat, but I think we've been to every restaurant in LA already. So, we just decided to cook. I made chicken, rice with potatoes, and a salad. We were so hungry, that the food was SO good! haha 

Yesterday was the premiere for TOY STORY 3 at my job. It went very smooth. There was no stress what so ever, everything went well! I had to work in the balcony area. Nobody likes working in the balcony are when we have premieres because they dont get to see any celebrities. But surprise, surprise! Britney Spears sat in the balcony yesterday. She's so pretty. Her dress was so cute! She wasnt with her kids, which I thought it was a little strange since it was a kids movie. Instead she was with her boyfriend. I went inside the theater and I saw her sitting down and she had her two security guards behind her. She didnt finish watching the whole movie. She left during the end of the film and she went next door to buy her kids toys. 

After work, we all had to stay an extra 2 hours to watch TOY STORY 3. I swear that movie is so good. I loved it! It had a lot of funny moments and it also had its sad moments! It was great! I think everyone should go see it! haha  

This afternoon I went to go have lunch with my mommy. We went to this Salvi restaurant by the house. I got carne asada! Mmm! It was yummy! As we walked in the soccer game was on. 

Here's my mom watching the game!

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