Since January 2009

Saturday, February 26, 2011

February 25, 2011

Today after the really long meeting at work (they paid us for 15 minutes more), me and panda were suppose to go to Burbank to go watch Cedar Rapids. BUT it was raining so hard by the time that we got out of work, that I was too scared to drive in the freeway in the pouring rain! So we played it safe and took our asses to the grove to go watch UNKNOWN. Panda picked this movie. Let me tell you, there was NOT one dull moment in that movie! It was awesome. I recommended it! 

This morning while I was getting ready, I was anxious to try out the new FIT ME foundation from maybelline! Ugh, it turned out too dark for me. I always do that, I always think I'm darker than what I really am and I end up having to go back the next day to exchange it. Well, today before we headed out to the meeting I went to go exchange it! Im pretty sure this will be my match! Im about 94% sure its my color lol Here it is:

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