Since January 2009

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Haters Gonna Hate

You know that feeling when you finally realize other peoples true colors? Well, I finally saw certain peoples true colors these past couple of months. Its sad, really. A lot of these people are so money hungry and desperate. That's their number one priority: Money. Shouldn't your number one priority be something else? They will lie, cheat, manipulate people for money. I was telling panda that these people are just an acquaintance of mine now. NOW I see who my REAL friends are :) Im pretty happy with the outcome too :) It satisfy me to know that I'm truly happy at this time in my life, and they're just miserable, thinking about how they're going to pay off things. It probably sounds harsh, but I'm keeping it real. Im not saying that I'm rich either, if the money comes to you then great. If it doesn't come to you then oh well, make it work with whatever you have. 

Another thing, If you dont like me for some reason DONT say hi to me, or smile at me! Be REAL and just walk away! WTF, I could see right through you bitches! If I don't like you, you're not going to see me being fake and smile and give you a kiss on your ass cheek! Hell no. BE REAL ho! . . . . . . . What else, what else. Oh! And to my real frienD who has been there even when I've neglected her, and is STILL there for me . . . . . I love you! :) Thanks for everything :)

I'll continue this later . . . . I have to get ready! 

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