Since January 2009

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Tell It Like It Is

I'm just going to ramble about things. So, if you're not interested then you should stop reading this blog . . . .NOW!

So, there's this girl that I know. She really likes this guy. She hasn't known him for a long time in fact, their longest conversation had to be about 5 minutes or less I would assume from what she's said. She is completely over heels for this guy. I've seen them talk before, and honestly I don't think he's interested in her LIKE THAT. I think he thinks that she's maybe cool, and a nice girl but THAT'S IT. Maybe I'm wrong, who knows (Well, he obviously knows). My point is, why go head over heels for someone that you BARELY know? Don't people go head over heels once they start to actually get to KNOW the person, and realize "Holy crap! I think I really like this person! They make me get dinosaurs in my tummy every time they smile at me!" Once you get to THAT point, then go ahead and take that elevator to cloud 9! But if you JUST met this person and all of a sudden you think he's the ONE, isn't that just lust? physical attraction? horny? stupid? I don't know? Right? Am I making sense here, or gwat? It makes sense in my brain hahaha


Another thing! Why do some couples hide things from each other? That REALLY doesn't make sense to me at ALL. I mean if you're a couple shouldn't you trust each other and feel comfortable and be able to tell each other ANYTHING? For example (I'm going to change the names, and scenario for the sake of . . . . I don't know tbh) Brandon (Yes, I chose Brandon because of Brandon Boyd) has a girlfriend. Her name is . . . . . Emma! So, me and Brandon went to Jamba Juice and he got a chocolate shake (Yes, I know that they don't make those. I'm changing the story) and after we left the store he tells me "Don't tell Emma that I came here ok?!" WTF! really? You cant go to jamba juice without getting yelled at! Really?! That's fucking pathetic.

Its just JAMBA JUICE! Its not like Brandon went to a strip club, or another girl's house! ... JAMBA JUICE!

Wow, I don't understand those relationships. I really don't. Then there's the ones that the guy fucked up and he cheated on the girlfriend. FIRST OF ALL why would you go back with a CHEATER? WHY! There's NO excuse to go back with a cheater. That means that at ONE point he STOPPED loving you, he STOPPED caring for you, he STOPPED giving a shit about you! Why would you want to go back with someone like that? Really? SECOND OF ALL, when the girl takes them back they turn into this psycho, CIA, controlling monster! Yeah, you have the right to keep your cheating man on check but when you're doing this you're just making yourself look like an idiot. AND you're making HIM look like the victim. Like he's the one that's being harassed in the relationship (and he probably is too). All I'm saying is, if you took him back just have a SERIOUS threatening conversation with him ONCE and let him know from the gecko if he FUCKS up ONE more that THAT's IT. But don't turn into a psycho monster girl. That's not cute.

Yes, I understand that SOME relationships are a little complicated and sometimes rough. BUT you don't have to TURN into a moron-airhead once you're IN a relationship. You still have a mind OF YOUR OWN. You can make your OWN decisions. You're with that person for companionship for your life. That doesn't mean that you have to depend on them to GET YOU THROUGH life! What if you're both in an old age and one of you has a stroke and dies? are you going to stop living the little life that YOU have left? Fuck NO! Yes, its going to be depressing and lonely for a while but get the fuck back up and LIVE the rest of your life! Really.

This whole blog is MY opinion, and mine ONLY. You may not agree with it, and I really don't care if you agree or not. I'm just pouring out whats in my mind right now. I remember when I worked at Jack in the Box there was this girl, she was a hardcore gangster and she had a tattoo on her back that said "TELL IT LIKE IT IS" and I'll never forget the explanation that she gave me of WHY she got that tattoo. I remember her explanation but I don't remember her name LOL

And NO I'm not pms'ing. I'm NOT angry. I've been wanting to write a blog about this for a while now, I just never had the time to actually do one. Anyway, I think that's all I had to say about that topic. I'm pretty sure there's more in the back of my brain somewhere. When they decide to come out, I'll make sure I'll write it here =)

Tmrw Im off to a show and a movie! =)

Oh! Did I mention that I QUIT the bowl? Yes, Yes I did =)

1 comment:

Jessica said...

you should post/send me more pictures from wednesday!