Since January 2009

Friday, January 30, 2009

Kids are . . . Hilarious! Really, They are

Coachella 2009 Lineup

Thursday, January 29, 2009

We made it up . . .

To the Hollywood Sign! I thought it was going to take us a very long time to get up there, but it didn't. It was pretty easy. Did you know that there's a lake up in the Hollywood Hills?! Yeah, I didn't know either. It was so pretty! Here are some pictures =)

Hollywood Sign!

Today after school, a couple of my friends and I are going to go up the Hollywood Sign today. Yeah, I know ... "The Hollywood Sign?!?" YES, the Hollywood Sign. I've lived in LA for 22 years, and I've NEVER gone up to the stupid Hollywood Sign.

Anyway, last night me, Sergio, and Aliannette went to go see "My Bloody Valentine" in 3D ... yeah, it wasn't very good. The effects were good. Throughout the whole movie I just kept thinking "Are you kidding me?? ... That's so STUPID! ... Come on, now!" Yeah, it was pretty lame. Dont watch it. Watch NOTORIOUS instead. Now that's a good movie =]

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Grumpy People/MAC

Hello Hello!
Today was a good day! You know those days when everything and everyone is on YOUR side? Yeah, that's how's I felt today. I woke up, got ready, and went to school. Class was good today! I didn't find myself daydreaming half the time. I was actually focused and paying attention! Today she talked about temperament and attachment. I really don't like people with tempers. They bother me! It's like everyone has to walk on egg shells when they're around that person. We have to be "careful" to not piss them off. Ugh, I hate it. People with tempers, YOU SUCK! Yeah, I said it! (If you want to discuss/argue about this with me, leave a comment and I'll get back to you asap)

On another note ...

The UPS man, just delivered my package from MAC. (Yay!) I ordered the Viva Glam V Lipstick. It looks like this:

It's so pretty. I Loooooove it! You know how some men are addicted to buying/collect parts for their cars? Or buying hoodies, comics, CD's, etc? Well, this is mine. MAKEUP. I love this crap. Yes, it's crap. I know that I dont really NEED it, but I WANT it. Hey, at least I admit it and I'm not in denial about it right? lol

OH! I have some exciting news! My dad finally learned how to TEXT!!! This is so exciting! I text him, and of course it takes a little while (2-3 minutes) for him to reply, but he replies! =D

I'm going to go see My Bloody Valentine in 3D Tmrw after class with a bunch of my co-workers. I heard the movie itself sucks, but the effects are good. We'll see . . .

Monday, January 26, 2009

Blah Blah Blah

Today was one of those days where I just wanted to sleep in all day. But no, I had to go to school. The first two weeks of school were so exciting, I loved it. Now, it's such a drag. Although today's class went by fast. We were talking about human development. Intimacy. Attachment. Bonding and what not. It was interesting.

This girl in class asked the professor for advice on her relationship. The girl told the professor (and the whole class) that she's been talking to this guy for 2 weeks now, and she finds herself pushing him away. She said she doesn't understand because he's a very nice guy, he's friendly, he's family oriented. (In my head I thought to myself, he seems pretty decent to me ... why wont she pursue the relationship?) She then asked the professor if the saying "we have a connection" really exist. The professor said that, that saying doesn't exist in psych. Then the professor told her that if it doesn't feel right, then don't pursue anything. But then again, the professor also said that its too soon to come to any conclusions since they've only been talking for 2 weeks.

Anyway. They kept going on and on. Dating, Relationships, Marriage is all so complicated! And don't give me that "Oh, it's only complicated cause you make it that way bull****" Cause that's crap! I think that everyone at one point in their dating life, or relationship, and marriage go through some kind of couple crisis moment, right? I mean, how can everything be so perfect and candy coated all the time. That's NOT real. (In my opinion) I mean, that's how we learn and grow, right? We learn from our mistakes and experiences.

Men ... just tells us what your intentions are. Make our lives a little less complicated. Yes?

Upcoming Shows!

February 5, 2009
@ Jimmy Kimmel

February 6, 2009
Circa Survive
@ Chain Reaction

February 7, 2009
Scot Weiland
@ The Fonda

March 13, 2009
Lady Gaga
@ The Wiltern

I cant wait for Lady GaGa!! Whooo!

Sunday, January 25, 2009


This Friday I went to go see NOTORIOUS. I loved it! It wasn't your typical boring rap movie. Those were the fastest 2 hours ever! I wanted to see more . . . If you haven't seen it, GO SEE IT!

The Beach!

Aliannette, Soleil and I went to the beach today. It was awesome! I loved it! It was sooo windy and so NICE. We didn't get in the water, but we walked around. It was great. It's so different from what I'm used to. I'm used to the city, and traffic, and people everywhere, and everything passes by in a blink of an eye. But when I'm at the beach, it's so relaxing, so calm, so STRESS FREE. I need to go hang out at the beach more often when it's cold and windy and the beach is NOT full with bacteria filled kids and dirty hood-rats running around in a 2 piece.

As we were at the beach, we waited for the sun to go down and it was just amazing! There were a few couples there ... and Soleil said "oh! How Romantic!" and Aliannette said "How Beautiful!" and I said "How DEPRESSING!" hahaha and Soleil said "What! Am I not good enough for you?!" lol She's so funny. It's true, right! All my single people out there would agree with me! hahaha ... Here are a couple pictures. ENJOY!

(No Makeup!)

Oh! So, Aliannete, she's from Puerto Rico and this was her first time at a beach in Cali! Whooo! She LOVED it! =]

Friday, January 23, 2009

Rain! Rain! Rain!

It's raining today! =) I went out to get the mail, and it smelled so fresh outside, seriously. It should rain everyday all day!
I usually work the morning shifts at work, and last night I worked the night shift ... it was fun. I didn't feel so tired and blah like I sometimes feel in the mornings. It was great. I think I might consider working at nights now. We'll see.
Today, I'm going to go see NOTORIOUS with Sergio. FINALLY. I cant wait to see it. It better be awesome possum.
(This is a possum, just in case you didn't know what one looked like)
I heard on the radio that Incubus is coming out with a greatest hits album. I hope they go on tour. All these bands that I liked in 5th-7th grade are coming back! yay! I'm really excited about No Doubt though. They are awesome!

Have a nice rainy day (wherever you are!)

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Lazy much?

I know I am! I'm seriously supposed to be studying right now as I write this blog, for a test that i have tmrw. But nooooo, I'm writing a blog instead, cause its way more interesting (sarcasm) ::sighs:: Anyway, in a couple weeks I'm going to be officially DEBT FREE! hooray! No more credit cards for me! Once I pay off all those suckers I'm going to destroy them, I kid you not.

So today, I found out that No Doubt is for sure going on tour this summer. I'm sooo excited! I've been a fan since as long as I can remember! Love them, seriously. The bad part is that, Paramore is going to open up for them. Lame. You know what that means? A bunch of little 13 year olds are going to go to the show JUST to see Paramore. Ugh. Couldnt they get someone BETTER? Oh well.

I should study now, really.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Survey Survey Survey

Where​ did your last kiss take place​?​
His house

Who knows​ a secre​t or two about​ you?
A couple people

Four words​ to expla​in why you last threw​ up?
New Castle Chicken Nuggets

Have you ever burne​d yours​elf?​
Yes, ALL the time! When I straighten my hair, or when I attempt to cook.

What is crazy​ to you?

Who is proba​bly talki​ng a load of crap about​ you right​ now?
I have no idea. But whoever you are, thanks for thinking of me! ;-)

Who is your hero?​
This rockstar right here!

Would​ you ever want to be a super​model​?​
No, not my thing

Who is the most exper​iment​al perso​n you know?​
Hmm ... idk

Do you tell white​ lies?​
Yes, Yes I do

When is your next party​?​
Chuck E Cheese! (Again!)

Who do you want to be with right​ now?
Nobody in particular

How do you handl​e a break​ up?
Pretty good. I get over it quick.

Your motiv​ation​ for tomor​row?​

Do you know what you will wear tomor​row?​

Last perso​n to make you laugh​?​

Last thing​ you ate?

Have you ever accid​ental​ly eaten​ an insec​t?​

​Have you ever dropp​ed food on the floor​ and eaten​ it?

Do you kiss your pets on the mouth​?​
I have no pets, so no.

Do you talk baby talk?​
Nope. Some people over do the whole baby talk stuff, and its sooo annoying!

What seria​l kille​r do you find most distu​rbing​?​
the guy from SAW, that sick bastard

Do you watch​ court​ tv?

Would​ you ever work in a retir​ement​ home?​

Do you ​ believe plant​s have feeli​ngs?​
Yes! (long story)

Do you laugh​ at peopl​e with bowl hairc​uts?​
OMG yes!

If you could​ fly, where​ would​ you go first​?​
New York!

Do you prefe​r boats​ or plane​s?​

Love or lust?​

One best frien​d or 10 aquai​ntanc​es?​
One best friend.

Favor​ite food?​
Um ... I like all types of food

What upcom​ing event​ are you waiti​ng and ready​ for?
Circa Survive

Curre​nt smell​?
Mom's Cooking

What was the last thing​ you order​ed at McDon​alds?​
Chicken Nuggets

Are you an emoti​onal perso​n?​

Do you like your name?​
Yes =)

Do you have plans​ this weeke​nd?​

When did your last relat​ionsh​ip end?
One year ago

What are you liste​ning to right​ now?

Bigge​st fear?​
loosing people I love

How long have you been a part of myspa​ce?​
4 years

Favor​ite place​ to be?
Out and about with friends

What are you weari​ng right​ now?

Does anyon​e hate you?
Who knows. Hateeeeeeeeeeeeeers!

How many peopl​e do you trust​ fully​?​

Did you have fun doing​ this?​
Eh what else is there to do

Are you think​ing of someo​ne right​ now?

My Awesome Dream!

I just woke up from the greatest dream ever! I'm going to type everything that I remember before I forget. Ok, so I was at home and I heard a knock on the door so I opened the door and it was this guy that I've seen before. He sets up Thrice's gear on stage. I forgot his name. Anyway, it was him at the door and he said "congratulations! you won the Thrice-in-your-home contest!" I was cofused because I never entered a "Thrice-in-your-home" contest. But I went along with it because THRICE was going to be in MY home! Then he said "They'll be here in a little bit, so you might want to make room in the living room" and I said "what! they're going to PERFORM in the living room?!" and he said "yes"

Omg, I started moving things around as quickly as I could! Then I went to the room and I was just killing time until they showed up. I got up to go the living room, because I heard the TV and when I walked in TEPPEI was there alone watching TV!! (eek!) When I saw him, I didnt say anything, I made a U-Turn and I went back to the room to grab my ipod so Teppei can sign it. As I walked to the living room I said "Hi!" and Teppei said "Hello, I'm the first one here. The guys should be arriving soon" ahhh!!!! I said "ok, thats fine" and I asked him if he could sign my ipod and he did, plus he wrote something else but I didnt see what he wrote.

After he signed my ipod, we just sat there and watched TV.

Thats it, my dream was over. I didnt even get to see them perform in my living room ...

::Sighs:: That will never happen, but its good to dream! =)

Monday, January 19, 2009

Bride Wars

Last night, I went to go see Bride Wars. Overall, I liked it. It was funny, it definitely had its "teary eyed" moments!
The Vera Wang dress that Kate Hudson wore, was ADORABLE. I really really like it!

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Concerts I went to in 2008

May 29, 2008 - Pelican, Circa Survive, Thrice

May 30, 2008 - Pelican, Circa Survive, Thrice

May 31, 2008 - The Cure

June 2, 2008 - Coldplay

June 24, 2008 - Stone Temple Pilots

July 21, 2008 - Jesse Lacey

August 24, 2008 - Radiohead

August 25, 2008 - Radiohead

September 20, 2008 - Beck

October 23 - Lady Gaga

November 2,2008 - Alkaline Trio, Rise Against, Thrice

I didn't go to many concerts in 2008, but 2009 will be oh so different! I am going to go to as MANY as I can go to!

My MAC Collection

This is my MAC collection. Everything that I own from them, is here. I started purchasing MAC products last year. I believe it was in the beginning of 2008. Here it is!

(In no particular order)
Black Track
Iris Eyes

Paint Pot:

DUO Adhesive (Reg & Dark Tone)

(In no particular Order)
Fix Plus
Studio Moisture Fix Lotion
Studio Fix Powder (NW 40)
Sculp & Shape Powder (Lightsweep Shadester)
Blot Powder Pressed (Dark)

(In no particular order)
Poison Pen*
Newly Minted
Plum Dressing
Star Violet
Vibrant Grape
Silver Ring
Sushi Flower
Brown Script
Rice Paper
Expensive Pink
Soft Flower
Spiced Chocolate
Sweet Chestnut
Claire De Lune
Creme De Violet
(*Pro Colors)

(In no particular order)
Sock Hop
Rich & Ripe
Sonic Vibe
Soft & Slow

Ample Pink

Love Alert

On Hold
Going Dutch

See Thru Lip Colour:
Not So Shy

Lip Prep + Prime
Clear Gloss

(In no particular order)
Pinch Me
Dolly Mix
Dessert Rose
Burnt Pepper*
(*Pro Colors)

Brush Roll

Brushes! (Not MAC)

Its not a lot, but it sure is growing! =) The Hello Kitty Collection is coming out in a couple weeks, hooray!

Friday, January 16, 2009


My friend's girlfriend gave birth to his first baby girl last night! Her name is Sophie, and she's the cutest baby girl every! She's one of the good babies that don't cry every 7 seconds! She just sleeps =) Here she is!

Chuck E Cheese Anyone?

So this past week, a couple friends of mine celebrated their birthdays at Chuck E Cheese. I went to both of their birthdays, so i went to Chuck E Cheese TWICE! yes, TWICE. It was awesome. It's like Vegas for kids! I love it.

Here's night one, with Leslie:

Here's night two, with Soleil & EVERYONE:
Hooray for Chuck E Cheese!