Since January 2009

Monday, June 14, 2010

Move over, Mr. Pricklepants!

This past Friday I went to the Aquarium of the Pacific with my boyfriend. We went later on in the afternoon because I assumed that there were going to be hundreds of kids on their field trip. I was right! When we showed up they were getting on the school bus to go home :) Oh! On our way to the aquarium we got a little lost lol We ended up in the middle of nowhere surrounded with trailers and trucks. We drove through this weird bridge that looked VERY similar to the bridge in SF. Anyway, this was his first time at the aquarium, it was so much fun! I like animals :) Here are some of the pictures.

OMG they feel so slimy! 
He was pretending to be a fish :)
This thing is so cool
So pretty!

After the aquarium, we went to the market to buy groceries cause I was going to make dinner. We were going to go out and eat, but I think we've been to every restaurant in LA already. So, we just decided to cook. I made chicken, rice with potatoes, and a salad. We were so hungry, that the food was SO good! haha 

Yesterday was the premiere for TOY STORY 3 at my job. It went very smooth. There was no stress what so ever, everything went well! I had to work in the balcony area. Nobody likes working in the balcony are when we have premieres because they dont get to see any celebrities. But surprise, surprise! Britney Spears sat in the balcony yesterday. She's so pretty. Her dress was so cute! She wasnt with her kids, which I thought it was a little strange since it was a kids movie. Instead she was with her boyfriend. I went inside the theater and I saw her sitting down and she had her two security guards behind her. She didnt finish watching the whole movie. She left during the end of the film and she went next door to buy her kids toys. 

After work, we all had to stay an extra 2 hours to watch TOY STORY 3. I swear that movie is so good. I loved it! It had a lot of funny moments and it also had its sad moments! It was great! I think everyone should go see it! haha  

This afternoon I went to go have lunch with my mommy. We went to this Salvi restaurant by the house. I got carne asada! Mmm! It was yummy! As we walked in the soccer game was on. 

Here's my mom watching the game!

Monday, June 7, 2010

Chicken Head

This past week has been SO much better than the week before! It has been so much less stressful! Tuesday afternoon, I went job hunting with my boyfriend. We went to the new Chipotle on Sunset and Vine. The ad said to just go and apply in person. My boyfriend waited in the car as I started walking to the place. I headed over the parking lot (that's where they had the applications because the restaurant is still under construction.) and I saw a man lecturing a group of people. I interrupted and asked for an application. He said "Here you go. We kind of already hired people for this location as you can see, but you're more than welcome to step aside and apply and turn in your application." So, I stepped aside under the burning sun, and I filled out the application. I looked ahead to my car and I saw my boyfriend bored out of his mind haha After I finished the application, this short, heavy set, short hair, intimidating lady came towards me and asked if I was done. I said yes, and I handed her my application. She then told me "Ok, tell me a little bit about yourself in 5 minutes and don't get too personal." All I thought was "OMG I am so not ready for a mini interview! I was just supposed to fill out the application and walk away!!" So, I started talking for 2 minutes then she interrupted me and said, "Have you ever BEEN to Chipotle?" I said Yes. Then she said, "Which one?" I said, the one at the farmers market. Then she said "What do you get there?" I said, a steak burrito. Then she looked at my resume and said "Well, it looks like you have a lot of experience. We already filled out all the spots for this location, but we are opening a lot more stores. I'm going to forward your application to the other locations." I agreed and I walked away. Ugh, I hate interviews.

When I got to the car I told my boyfriend what had happened. Then we headed over to The Grove to apply at the American Girl Place. They were hiring for the cafe. They need a host and a cashier or something like that. I went upstairs to the cafe area and I was looking around at all the dolls and they are SO creepy! OMG! My daughter will never have one of those! They look too real and creepy! My girl is going to stick to Barbies and Play Do! Anyway, I go to the cafe and I ask for an application. Tell me why they gave me a little BOOK! The application was LONG! I took a deep breath and I started filling it out. I took a peek inside the cafe and omg, it was so fancy and pretty! Those moms must pay a fortune so their kid can have tea and cookies with their dolls. That room was beautiful! I turned in the application and the women told me that they would give me a call back cause the interviews were on June 18th. Im still waiting for that call. 
After our little job hunting, we went to PINKS!! My boyfriend has NEVER been there! And when we drove by there was NO line! It was a sign! It was around 1pm (lunch time!) and there was NO line! I immediately pulled over and we went! I swear, while we were ordering the line behind us appeared out of nowhere! It was like God was saying "Hurry up! Before I send the heard of people!!" haha Ugh, the food was so good! I haven't been there in a while so the food was SO good! After we ate, I got a really unexpected call. _______________ offered me a great job position! I said I was interested! So, I sent my resume in. Now, Im just playing the waiting game. I really really hope I get it! It would change EVERYTHING! It was strange how all day I was looking for a 2nd job and then I got that call! ...  I swear I check my email several times a day to see if I got it or not. My boyfriend is really excited about it, he's HAPPY for me! But he said if it doesn't work out and if I don't get it then it wasn't meant to be =( Which is true. (But I hope its meant to be! lol) 

After the phone call, we went to 711 cause I was so giddy like a 4 year girl at Disneyland! We saw that $1 DVD rental vending machine thing! We tried it out and its AWESOME! Its so convenient! And its ONLY $1! And they had a pretty good selection of movies! That night we rented NOTORIOUS (I love that movie), the following night (Yes, two nights in a row! Oh yeah) we rented THE SOLOIST. That was a good movie! Good job fox! I think we're going to rent one tonight also because tmrw we're ordering in and watching the game! I swear this boyfriend of mine has gotten me into basketball like you have no idea. Yesterday after work we went to dinner in Glendale and he turned the radio to AM and started listening to game #2 on the RADIO! hahaha When we got to the restaurant, he asked to sit by the TV so he can watch it lol It was funny because he didn't even finish his sentence when the host said "Yes, by the TV" haha I guess everyone had asked her to sit by the TV hahaha 

Oh!!! On Thursday, my mother MET my boyfriend! Yup, she sure did! We picked her up from her doctors appointment at Keiser and we drove her to the her next doctors appointment which was the other keiser building across the street. I had text her while me and Harold were walking to the waiting room, telling her that he was with me. When we saw her my boyfriend was so shy! haha He's so cute lol Then my mom said "Hi Harold!" haha It was a cute-awkward-great moment lol Then they had a little small chat. Overall my mom loves him =) Later on Harold said that it was more scary meeting my brother than my mommy lol

FRIDAY night I went to go see DEFTONES! My brother had two tickets and I had two tickets! He took one of our concert buddies, Colin! He's so funny! And I of course took EMMA! OMG it was so much fun!! This was Emma's first show in a YEAR. This was my first show THIS year!  I picked Emma up then we headed over to Hollywood. My brother was already there making line since noon. Thank God that I found parking SO close to the place! We started walking and there were A LOT of people! The line literally went AROUND the block! It was crazy!  We got inside, waited and waited! Then they came out! Chino looked amazing! I beleive they only played 4 songs? I dont remember, but it was GREAT! Me and Emma were in the front. We were 2 people behind the barricade, so it was HOT! By the second song we were getting our hair pulled, getting pushed like rag dolls! It was insane! By the time it was over, we were so sweaty and gross! haha I just wanted a shower! After, I pulled over at Jack in the box cause we both had to P so bad!! Then as I was dropping her off, my boyfriend called and he wanted me to go see him. I told him "Hell to the NO! I stink like 7 sweaty boys! And my hair is a MESS!" He said that he didnt care that I could shower at his place. So I headed over there, and OMG there was NO parking!!! I called him and he said that he'll go with me to look for parking. So he got in the car and I asked him if he wanted to go eat cause I was STARVING! We went to Jack, and we went back to his place and we ate in the car cause there was NO parking! I hate looking for parking!!

Here are pictures from Friday night.

I have a busy day today! I better get going. I have to go wax these eyebrows of mine asap! 